2 min read

#136: Micah Green, Founder and CEO of Maidbot, the World's First Housekeeping Robot for Hotels, on Being a Lifelong Entrepreneur, Thiel Fellow, and Forbes 30 Under 30

Micah Green is the Founder, President and CEO of Maidbot, an industrial automation company on a mission to bridge the gap between robots and humans - starting with Rosie - the world's very first housekeeping robot for hotels and commercial buildings.
#136: Micah Green, Founder and CEO of Maidbot, the World's First Housekeeping Robot for Hotels, on Being a Lifelong Entrepreneur, Thiel Fellow, and Forbes 30 Under 30

Micah Green is the Founder, President and CEO of Maidbot, an industrial automation company on a mission to bridge the gap between robots and humans - starting with Rosie - the world's very first housekeeping robot for hotels and commercial buildings. Like a self-driving car, Rosie navigates intelligently through the space while cleaning floors and collecting invaluable operational and environmental data. Maidbot's automated systems deliver unprecedented value to hotel operators, room attendants, and hotel guests.

Maidbot is Micah's dream come true. He manages the product vision, sales strategy, cash flows, investor relations, and team development. Over the past decade, Micah has started multiple businesses including two successful smartphone applications. He strongly follows the words of Abraham Lincoln, "the best way to predict the future is to create it." Outside of Maidbot, Micah enjoys longboarding, windsurfing, and producing electronic music. He is currently guest lecturing at Cornell University - where he previously studied - for multiple classes within the Executive MBA and Industrial and Labor Relations programs.

Connect with Micah Green

Some of the Topics Covered by Micah Green in this Episode

  • The “aha” moment that led to Micah to starting MaidBot
  • Becoming an entrepreneur from the young age of 7
  • Turning an idea into a company
  • The customer discovery process for MaidBot
  • Evolving the idea based on need and feasibility
  • Early fundraising and networking
  • The decision to drop out of Cornell
  • Getting accepted as a Thiel Fellow on the 4th try
  • Micah’s advice for fundraising
  • The process and challenges of product development
  • Getting their first LOIs and actually getting their robot into hotels
  • The growth strategy for Maidbot and traction so far
  • How Micah approaches expansion
  • The manufacturing side of things
  • Balancing short-term and long-term planning and the big vision for Maidbot
  • The name inspiration for Maidbot's "Rosie"
  • A typical day for Micah and work-life balance
  • How COVID-19 is affecting the Maidbot team
  • The hiring process at Maidbot
  • Micah's book recommendations
  • Micah's takeaways for entrepreneurs

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